LifeScore Social Hackathon
Larissa 2020


For the Social Hackathon – The Power of a Day, Corteva Agriscience™, in January 2020, chose the city of Larissa in order to create the communication materials of the messages of the social campaign LifeScore. What does Social Hackathon mean? The term “Hackathon” comes from the words “Hackers” – “Marathon” and is the creative meeting of experts in a certain field for a specific time with a common purpose. When the purpose is public benefit, it is called Social Hackathon.

The Social Hackathon was implemented by 80 volunteers / employees of Corteva Agriscience™, young farmers and entrepreneurs from all over the country, members of the Agricultural University of Athens and the NGO “BOROUME”. With the guidance of 20 renowned professionals in the field of communication and art, the volunteers-participants, without any specialization, working tirelessly and with endless energy, managed to create materials of professional level and unique aesthetics in a single day. An animation movie, Social media statements (copy and visuals) and Group Art deliverables and enabled the first complete Social Campaign against Food Waste – under the name “LifeScore”!

Group Art

Front Image

Social Media Statements

Front Image

Animation Movie

Front Image